Constance Watson
Constance Watson is the talented author behind the non-fiction Christian novel HIS Girl! A Love Story. Watson recounts the writing process as God, being the Author of every account that is shared and her only role was that of an eyewitness and administrative assistant who was tasked with typing what she witnessed into her computer. The novel describes the eyewitness account of how God’s love for Constance endured 34 years of rejecting Him while she tried to navigate through the emotional storms of disappointments, abuse, shame, rejection, denial, anger, bitterness, revenge, infidelity, guilt and the breaking of a family curse.In her personal life, Constance is very passionate about maintaining a strong connection with God and Jesus Christ through an active and intimate personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. She finds that it is important to tell her story when given the opportunity. She believes that after the love of God should come the love of family and then a love of others. Once she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ at age 42, God maneuvered and positioned Constance like a piece on a chessboard towards the people He wanted her to speak to, the places He wanted her to go and the things He had preordained for her to do.
In ministry, God has led Watson to adopt and commit to a “Let it begin with Me” mindset. She says “One promise I intend to keep to the women I serve is that I will practice what I teach.” With a fervor for serving females of every age, color and ethnicity (both inside and outside the body of Christ), Constance helps women develop and maintain a strong connection with God and supports, encourages and inspires them to tell, write and publish their stories without fear. She encourages women to abide in Christ and to trust the plans that God has willed for their lives. Also, Constance stresses the importance of women's health and being as physically fit and healthy as possible. Ultimately, she hopes and prays that she can help women to become free to be who God created them to be.
Constance has joyfully served females for 30+ years and counting. She served full time in urban ministry and as a missionary in Metro-Atlanta since 1990. As an Urban Missionary, she began serving the women in Metro Atlanta’s homeless shelters, substance abuse treatment facilities, transitional housing facilities, DeKalb County Jail and ex-offenders living in special housing facilities. Constance would tell them her story and provide Bible studies. She even established street corner “Prayer Stations” to reach out, pray and connect with women engaged in prostitution on the streets and to minister to the homeless women and men living in the parks around the city of Atlanta.
In 2003, Constance Watson established Esther’s Urban Missionary Academy (later named The Diamond Academy) to prepare and equip women for ministry and for becoming Urban Missionaries. Between 2004 and 2018, forty-two women graduated from the academy and thirty-one were officially commissioned as missionaries. She then established the Atlanta Urban Missionaries Assoc., Inc. (AUMA) in 2018. AUMA is a non-profit organization created to be a resource for urban missionaries across the nation and to connect, promote, encourage and inspire local Urban and Media Missionaries.
As a member of Mountain West Church (MWC) in Tucker, Georgia Constance has two women’s small groups and a talk show for females of all ages. One small group called “Everyday Life with the Holy Spirit,” (on Zoom) is focused on a very simple, practical and powerful approach to building an active and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit that will help women navigate through the daily challenges in their everyday life. The second small group called “Fit for the Kingdom Steppers” is a fitness group that utilizes walking and the GroupMe App as a means of connecting women from several different churches who want to improve or maintain their physical fitness and health status. The talk show Constance hosts is called “International Girl Talk.” The platform allows MWC females of every age, color and ethnicity to come on as guests and share their story, faith, journey, culture and the dreams God has given them. "God has given me a vision for reaching women worldwide through a talk show based on “HIS GIRL!”. I am awaiting the opportunity to launch “His Girl Live International” a unique broadcast, presenting females who will tell their personal love stories about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”
Constance is a 1971 graduate of North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina and a 2006 graduate of Southwestern Christian University in Bethany, Oklahoma. Constance was born in a beautiful little mountain town in Western North Carolina called Morganton. She has lived in Atlanta, Georgia since 1989. Constance is an avid fitness fan, focused on walking in the fullness of God's purpose and plan for her life in her family and ministry to women. Her daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren (ages 4, 8 and 10) live in McDonough, Georgia.
Contact: hisgirl.live@gmail.com
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HIS GIRL: A Love Story
Constance Watson's book HIS GIRL: A Love Story is featured on Babbie Mason Radio. You can hear more about her story and inspiration on Babbie's House On The Radio.