Michele McCarthy
Michele McCarthy is a Texas Christian University graduate with a degree in Education. She is an Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (ASWA) member and co-founder of Living Write Texas, a women’s Christian writing group. With wit and wisdom, her passion is equipping believers for the abundant life Christ offers. She is author of the award-winning book Shattered, Stirred and Shaken, a gripping story about a woman who receives supernatural transformation from an encounter with The Holy Spirit. Filled with wow moments, the book invites the reader into her beautiful, transparent journey of spiritual awakening and discovery. She is the author of other award-winning children's books, Daddy and Me and Aunt Ida Clare. Aunt Ida took home 1st place in the 2021 Golden Scrolls and 2nd place in 2021 Christian Book Market awards.Contact: michelemccarthybooks@gmail.com
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Shattered, Stirred And Shaken
Michele McCarthy's "Shattered, Stirred and Shaken: Living the Book of Acts is a testimony to God’s goodness and the adventure of obedience.” Listen to her bold story of healing on Babbie's House On The Radio.